Frequently Asked

What is the BOTOX® Savings Program?

Using the digital BOTOX® Specialty Pharmacy Card

Coverage, Limits, and Eligibility

How to Enroll

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Who is eligible?

You are eligible if you:

  • Are currently receiving BOTOX® treatment for an FDA-approved therapeutic indication for BOTOX®
  • Are commercially insured
  • Are not enrolled in Medicare, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, or other federal or state healthcare programs
  • Are 18 years or older (or are the parent or caregiver of a patient under the age of 18 who is receiving BOTOX® treatment)
  • Receive treatment in the United States or territories

Void where prohibited by law, taxed, or restricted. Please see full Terms and Conditions.

Coverage and Limits

About the BOTOX® Savings card

Coverage, Limits, and Eligibility

Using the digital BOTOX® Specialty Pharmacy Card

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Does the BOTOX® Savings Program* help with costs related to my BOTOX® procedure?

Yes, the BOTOX® Savings Program helps eligible, commercially insured patients save on out-of-pocket costs related to both BOTOX® medicine and the injection procedure. This could be a co-pay, co-insurance, or deductible amount; sometimes these charges are billed separately from one another. The BOTOX® Savings Program does not provide help for office visit co-pay costs. To help you receive money back, we need your documents to show:

  • Out-of-pocket costs after insurance
  • The product used was BOTOX®
  • The BOTOX® medication was used for an FDA-approved indication

How to Submit or Check on a Claim

Using the digital BOTOX® Specialty Pharmacy Card

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How do I file a claim?

  1. Enroll at* or call 1-800-44-BOTOX.
  2. Complete your treatment. Wait to receive your Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from your insurance company, or request a Remittance Advice (RA) document from your medical provider.
  3. Click “New Claim.” Enter your treatment details on the website and upload your EOB or RA and any other documents to show your out-of-pocket (OOP) costs and prove you were treated for an FDA-approved indication.

Upon approval, you will be mailed a check for your OOP costs up to the allowed amount. Expect to receive your check 2-3 weeks after submitting your claim as long as documentation is complete. Upon approval, you will be mailed a check for your OOP costs up to the allowed amount.

We will keep you updated at each step of the way by mail, email, and text message (if you opted-in to receive text messages) so you know where your claim is at any time. You will be notified if we need additional information. You can also log in to to check the status of your claim.

Be sure to submit a claim and follow the same process after every future treatment with BOTOX®.

How to Submit or Check on a Claim

Using the digital BOTOX® Specialty Pharmacy Card

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What does it mean if my claim is pending?

If a claim is pending, it most likely means additional information is required to process your claim. To determine what is needed to complete the process, click ACTION REQUIRED. To add additional documentation, there is no need to start a new claim. Simply, submit the information under the same date of service. For additional questions, call 1-800-44-BOTOX and speak to an agent to find out more.

Coverage, Limits, and Eligibility

Using the digital BOTOX® Specialty Pharmacy Card

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Is there a time limit for submitting my claim?

Yes. All claims must be submitted within 6 months (180 days) from the treatment date. You may ask for a one-time exception if your claim is beyond 180 days by calling 1-800-44-BOTOX. We are unable to process any claims beyond 365 days.

Using the digital BOTOX® Specialty Pharmacy Card

How to Submit or Check on a Claim

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What if I use a Specialty Pharmacy (SP)?

You can receive payment for out-of-pocket expenses if you use a Specialty Pharmacy.

After enrolling at,* you should receive a welcome email with your digital SP Card details.

To make things easier, enroll in the BOTOX® Savings Program prior to your treatment. This will allow you to have access to your digital SP Card right away. This could avoid any out-of-pocket costs upfront.

How does using an SP work?

  1. Your physician will send the BOTOX® prescription to the SP to be filled.
  2. When your SP calls you to collect your out-of-pocket (OOP) responsibility (co-pay/co-insurance), simply provide the BIN, PCN, GRP#, and ID# from your digital SP Card to the SP. The SP applies the eligible benefit from the digital SP Card toward your OOP costs.
  3. After treatment, you may still submit an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from your insurance provider or Remittance Advice (RA) document from your medical provider for reimbursement of procedure expenses (if you have not already reached the maximum benefit) at For each additional treatment, repeat step 2 above.

Using the digital BOTOX® Specialty Pharmacy Card

How to Submit or Check on a Claim

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Can I be reimbursed for a Specialty Pharmacy (SP) out-of-pocket cost if I don’t use my digital SP Card?*

Yes. You may still be eligible for your out-of-pocket costs if you did not use your SP Card. Request a detailed receipt from your Specialty Pharmacy and submit under the date of service for the claim.

Using the digital BOTOX® Specialty Pharmacy Card

How to Submit or Check on a Claim

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Is there an expiration date on the digital Specialty Pharmacy (SP) Card?*

No. The digital SP Card is unique to each patient and does not expire, as long as you continue to be eligible for the savings program. There is no need to obtain a new digital SP Card on a recurring basis.

How to Submit or Check on a Claim

Using the digital BOTOX® Specialty Pharmacy Card

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What is a Remittance Advice (RA)?

A Remittance Advice (RA) document describes what costs the health insurance plan will cover for your BOTOX® treatment and if you have any out-of-pocket costs. After your BOTOX® treatment, you may request an RA from your medical provider. The RA will usually be available within one month after treatment. The time is often dependent on how long it takes for your medical claim to be submitted to your insurance company by your medical provider.

How to Submit or Check on a Claim

Using the digital BOTOX® Specialty Pharmacy Card

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What is an Explanation of Benefits (EOB)?

An EOB, or Explanation of Benefits, is a statement from your health insurance plan describing what costs it will cover for your BOTOX® treatment and if you have any out-of-pocket costs. EOBs can also be referred to as Summary of Benefits, Claim Details, or Coverage Determination. After your BOTOX® treatment, you will receive an EOB from your insurance company. EOBs are sent by mail or email. The EOB may also be available to download on your payer portal. This usually occurs within one month after treatment depending on how long it takes for your medical claim to be submitted to the insurance company by your medical provider.

How to Submit or Check on a Claim

Using the digital BOTOX® Specialty Pharmacy Card

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Will my Explanation of Benefits (EOB) or Remittance Advice (RA) be the only document I need to submit?

As long as your EOB or RA includes details of your out-of-pocket responsibility for both BOTOX® and the procedure, it will be sufficient. If your EOB or RA does not have the codes, you may need to upload additional documents listed on the claim submission’s page. Examples of documents you may receive after treatment:

  • Physician receipt
  • Specialty Pharmacy (SP) receipt*

How to Submit or Check on a Claim

Using the Digital BOTOX® Specialty Pharmacy Card

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When will I receive my BOTOX® Savings Program* check?

Upon approval, you will be mailed a check for your eligible OOP costs up to the allowed amount. Expect to receive your check 2-3 weeks after submitting your claim as long as documentation is complete. If you do not receive it by then or if you lose your check, please call 1-800-44-BOTOX to speak to a representative.

How to Enroll

Coverage, Limits, and Eligibility

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How do I enroll in the BOTOX® Savings Program?*

There are 3 easy ways to enroll:

Using Your BOTOX® Savings Program Dashboard

How to Enroll

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Where can I find my username and password?

Your username is the email address that you used to register for the program. If you have forgotten your password:

  1. Click “Log In” at the top right portion of the* screen.
  2. Scroll down to click “Forgot Password.”
  3. Enter your phone number or email used to register for the BOTOX® Savings Program to receive a time-sensitive password link. Follow the link to the Password Reset page. Check your spam folder if your link doesn't arrive in your inbox.
  4. Your password expires every 365 days. Be sure to change your password before it expires. Your new password should be difficult for others to guess and one you have not previously used.

Note: Be sure to write down your password and keep it in a secure place. After 5 unsuccessful login attempts within 60 minutes, you will automatically be locked out of your account. The lock on your account will automatically release after 1 hour.

Please call 1-800-44-BOTOX if this does not resolve the issue. 

How to Enroll

What is the BOTOX® Savings Program?

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What do AbbVie and its authorized partners do with my information?

For information on how we collect and process your personal data, including the categories we collect, purposes for their collection, and disclosures to third parties, visit

What is the BOTOX® Savings Program?

Using Your BOTOX® Savings Program Dashboard

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What if I still have questions about the BOTOX® Savings Program?*

You can speak with a representative Monday through Friday, from 8 AM to 8 PM ET by simply calling 1-800-44-BOTOX.

*Eligibility: Available to patients with commercial insurance coverage for BOTOX® (onabotulinumtoxinA) who meet eligibility criteria. This co-pay assistance program is not available to patients receiving prescription reimbursement under any federal, state, or government-funded insurance programs (for example, Medicare [including Part D], Medicare Advantage, Medigap, Medicaid, TRICARE, Department of Defense, or Veterans Affairs programs) or where prohibited by law. Offer subject to change or termination without notice. Restrictions, including monthly maximums, may apply. This is not health insurance. For full Terms and Conditions, visit or call 1-800-44-BOTOX (800-442-6869) for additional information. To learn about AbbVie’s privacy practices and your privacy choices, visit

How to Enroll

What is the BOTOX® Savings Program?

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Where can I go for more information about my condition?

Select your condition:


What is the BOTOX® Savings Program?

Using Your BOTOX® Savings Program Dashboard

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What if my insurance company does not provide coverage for BOTOX®?

Please call 1-800-44-BOTOX or visit to check your eligibility for myAbbVie Assist, the AbbVie patient assistance program.

What is the BOTOX® Savings Program?

Using Your BOTOX® Savings Program Dashboard

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If I have commercial insurance for my outpatient medical and drug expenses but am enrolled in Medicare Part A for hospital coverage, will I be eligible for the BOTOX® Savings Program?*

You may be eligible for the BOTOX® Savings Program. Please call 1-800-44-BOTOX to speak directly to a BOTOX® Savings Program agent.

What is the BOTOX® Savings Program?

Using Your BOTOX® Savings Program Dashboard

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Are my out-of-pocket costs applied to my deductible if I use the BOTOX® Savings Program?*

Since you pay the deductible amount directly to the payer, the reimbursed amount received will in most cases have already been applied to your deductible.


BOTOX® (onabotulinumtoxinA) is a prescription medicine that is injected into muscles and used:


BOTOX may cause serious side effects that can be life threatening. Get medical help right away if you have any of these problems any time (hours to weeks) after injection of BOTOX :


BOTOX may cause serious side effects that can be life threatening. Get medical help right away if you have any of these problems any time (hours to weeks) after injection of BOTOX:

  • Problems swallowing, speaking, or breathing, due to weakening of associated muscles, can be severe and result in loss of life. You are at the highest risk if these problems are preexisting before injection. Swallowing problems may last for several months.
  • Spread of toxin effects. The effect of botulinum toxin may affect areas away from the injection site and cause serious symptoms, including loss of strength and all-over muscle weakness; double vision; blurred vision; drooping eyelids; hoarseness or change or loss of voice; trouble saying words clearly; loss of bladder control; trouble breathing; and trouble swallowing.


BOTOX® (onabotulinumtoxinA) is a prescription medicine that is injected into muscles and used:

  • To treat overactive bladder symptoms such as a strong need to urinate with leaking or wetting accidents (urge urinary incontinence), a strong need to urinate right away (urgency), and urinating often (frequency) in adults 18 years and older when another type of medicine (anticholinergic) does not work well enough or cannot be taken
  • To treat leakage of urine (incontinence) in adults 18 years and older with overactive bladder due to a neurologic disease when another type of medicine (anticholinergic) does not work well enough or cannot be taken
  • To treat overactive bladder due to a neurologic disease in children 5 years of age and older when another type of medicine (anticholinergic) does not work well enough or cannot be taken
  • To prevent headaches in adults with chronic migraine who have 15 or more days each month with headache lasting 4 or more hours each day in people 18 years and older
  • To treat increased muscle stiffness in people 2 years of age and older with spasticity
  • To treat the abnormal head position and neck pain that happens with cervical dystonia (CD) in people 16 years and older
  • To treat certain types of eye muscle problems (strabismus) or abnormal spasm of the eyelids (blepharospasm) in people 12 years of age and older

BOTOX is also injected into the skin to treat the symptoms of severe underarm sweating (severe primary axillary hyperhidrosis) when medicines used on the skin (topical) do not work well enough in people 18 years and older.

It is not known whether BOTOX is safe and effective to prevent headaches in patients with migraine who have 14 or fewer headache days each month (episodic migraine).

BOTOX has not been shown to help people perform task-specific functions with their upper limbs or increase movement in joints that are permanently fixed in position by stiff muscles.

It is not known whether BOTOX is safe and effective for severe sweating anywhere other than your armpits.


There has not been a confirmed serious case of spread of toxin effect away from the injection site when BOTOX has been used at the recommended dose to treat chronic migraine, severe underarm sweating, blepharospasm, or strabismus.

BOTOX may cause loss of strength or general muscle weakness, vision problems, or dizziness within hours to weeks of receiving BOTOX. If this happens, do not drive a car, operate machinery, or do other dangerous activities.

Do not receive BOTOX if you are allergic to any of the ingredients in BOTOX (see Medication Guide for ingredients); had an allergic reaction to any other botulinum toxin product such as Myobloc® (rimabotulinumtoxinB), Dysport® (abobotulinumtoxinA), or Xeomin® (incobotulinumtoxinA); have a skin infection at the planned injection site.

Do not receive BOTOX for the treatment of urinary incontinence if you have a urinary tract infection (UTI) or cannot empty your bladder on your own and are not routinely catheterizing. Due to the risk of urinary retention (difficulty fully emptying the bladder), only patients who are willing and able to initiate catheterization posttreatment, if required, should be considered for treatment.

Patients treated for overactive bladder: In clinical trials, 36 of the 552 patients had to self-catheterize for urinary retention following treatment with BOTOX compared to 2 of the 542 treated with placebo. The median duration of postinjection catheterization for these patients treated with BOTOX 100 Units (n = 36) was 63 days (minimum 1 day to maximum 214 days), as compared to a median duration of 11 days (minimum 3 days to maximum 18 days) for patients receiving placebo (n = 2). Patients with diabetes mellitus treated with BOTOX were more likely to develop urinary retention than nondiabetics.

Adult patients treated for overactive bladder due to a neurologic disease: In clinical trials, 30.6% of adult patients (33/108) who were not using clean intermittent catheterization (CIC) prior to injection required catheterization for urinary retention following treatment with BOTOX 200 Units, as compared to 6.7% of patients (7/104) treated with placebo. The median duration of postinjection catheterization for these patients treated with BOTOX 200 Units (n = 33) was 289 days (minimum 1 day to maximum 530 days), as compared to a median duration of 358 days (minimum 2 days to maximum 379 days) for patients receiving placebo (n = 7).

Among adult patients not using CIC at baseline, those with multiple sclerosis were more likely to require CIC postinjection than those with spinal cord injury.

The dose of BOTOX is not the same as, or comparable to, another botulinum toxin product.

Serious and/or immediate allergic reactions have been reported, including itching; rash; red, itchy welts; wheezing; asthma symptoms; dizziness; or feeling faint. Get medical help right away if you experience symptoms; further injection of BOTOX should be discontinued.

Tell your doctor about all your muscle or nerve conditions, such as ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease, myasthenia gravis, or Lambert-Eaton syndrome, as you may be at increased risk of serious side effects, including difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing from typical doses of BOTOX.

Tell your doctor if you have any breathing-related problems. Your doctor may monitor you for breathing problems during treatment with BOTOX for spasticity or for detrusor overactivity associated with a neurologic condition. The risk of developing lung disease in patients with reduced lung function is increased in patients receiving BOTOX.

Cornea problems have been reported. Cornea (surface of the eye) problems have been reported in some people receiving BOTOX for their blepharospasm, especially in people with certain nerve disorders. BOTOX may cause the eyelids to blink less, which could lead to the surface of the eye being exposed to air more than is usual. Tell your doctor if you experience any problems with your eyes while receiving BOTOX. Your doctor may treat your eyes with drops, ointments, contact lenses, or with an eye patch.

Bleeding behind the eye has been reported. Bleeding behind the eyeball has been reported in some people receiving BOTOX for their strabismus. Tell your doctor if you notice any new visual problems while receiving BOTOX.

Bronchitis and upper respiratory tract infections (common colds) have been reported. Bronchitis was reported more frequently in adults receiving BOTOX for upper limb spasticity. Upper respiratory infections were also reported more frequently in adults with prior breathing-related problems with spasticity. In pediatric patients treated with BOTOX for upper limb spasticity, upper respiratory tract infections were reported more frequently. In pediatric patients treated with BOTOX for lower limb spasticity, upper respiratory tract infections were not reported more frequently than placebo.

Autonomic dysreflexia in patients treated for overactive bladder due to a neurologic disease. Autonomic dysreflexia associated with intradetrusor injections of BOTOX could occur in patients treated for detrusor overactivity associated with a neurologic condition and may require prompt medical therapy. In clinical trials, the incidence of autonomic dysreflexia was greater in adult patients treated with BOTOX 200 Units compared with placebo (1.5% versus 0.4%, respectively).

Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including if you have or have had bleeding problems; have plans to have surgery; had surgery on your face; have weakness of forehead muscles, trouble raising your eyebrows, drooping eyelids, and any other abnormal facial change; have symptoms of a UTI and are being treated for urinary incontinence (symptoms of a UTI may include pain or burning with urination, frequent urination, or fever); have problems emptying your bladder on your own and are being treated for urinary incontinence; are pregnant or plan to become pregnant (it is not known if BOTOX can harm your unborn baby); are breastfeeding or plan to (it is not known if BOTOX passes into breast milk).

Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. Using BOTOX with certain other medicines may cause serious side effects. Do not start any new medicines until you have told your doctor that you have received BOTOX in the past.

Tell your doctor if you received any other botulinum toxin product in the last 4 months; have received injections of botulinum toxin such as Myobloc®, Dysport®, or Xeomin® in the past (tell your doctor exactly which product you received); have recently received an antibiotic by injection; take muscle relaxants; take an allergy or cold medicine; take a sleep medicine; take aspirin-like products or blood thinners.

Other side effects of BOTOX include dry mouth; discomfort or pain at the injection site; tiredness; headache; neck pain; eye problems such as double vision, blurred vision, decreased eyesight, drooping eyelids, swelling of your eyelids, and dry eyes; drooping eyebrows; and upper respiratory tract infection. In adults being treated for urinary incontinence, other side effects include UTI and painful urination. In children being treated for urinary incontinence, other side effects include UTI; bacteria, white blood cells, and blood in the urine. In patients being treated for urinary incontinence, another side effect includes the inability to empty your bladder on your own. If you have difficulty fully emptying your bladder on your own after receiving BOTOX, you may need to use disposable self-catheters to empty your bladder up to a few times each day until your bladder is able to start emptying again.

For more information, refer to the Medication Guide or talk with your doctor.

You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit or call 1-800-FDA-1088 .

If you are having difficulty paying for your medicine, AbbVie may be able to help. Visit to learn more.

Please see BOTOX® full Product Information, including Boxed Warning and Medication Guide .

For questions about the program, please call 1-800-44-BOTOX .